With Repatriation of Remains
Repatriation of Remains Insurance
In the unfortunate circumstance when death occurs during your trip, the costs and logistics of preparing and returning your remains to your home country can be an additional burden to your relatives or friends.
The following insurance plans include the Repatriation of Remains benefit that can address this problem:
Individual Travel and Study Plans
All Individual Plans Include:
- Emergency Medical Expense
- Emergency Medical Evacuation
- Repatriation of Remains
- Accidental Death & Dismemberment
- 24-Hour Worldwide Assistance
InterMedical Insurance®
International Medical Insurance
- Featuring: Medical and evacuation coverage with rates for shorter trips. Covers sports and hazardous activities.
- Trip Length: Single trips from 5 days to 364 days.
- Designed For: Anyone traveling outside the U.S. and his/her home country.
WorldMed Insurance®
Flexible Medical Insurance for Travel or Living Abroad
- Featuring: Medical and evacuation coverage with variable limits and rates designed especially for longer trips. Coverage for terrorism, and sports and hazardous activities included.
- Trip Length: Single trips from 5 days to 364 days.
- Designed For: Anyone traveling outside his or her home country.
Visit USA-HealthCare Insurance®
Medical Insurance for U.S. Visitors
- Featuring: One of the original medical insurance plans designed for U.S. visitors. Choose medical evacuation and accidental death limits, with many deductible options. Includes coverage for sports & hazardous activities and terrorism.
- Enrollment Length: Single trips from 5 days to 364 days.
- Designed For: International visitors to the U.S. and new U.S. immigrants.
Voyager Annual Insurance
Travel Insurance for the Frequent Traveler
- Featuring: Combined medical and evacuation coverage, or purchase medical evacuation as a stand-alone annual insurance. Sign up once for 364 days of coverage, customize with your choice of benefits and limits. Optional terrorism coverage.
- Trip Length: Any number of trips, up to 90 days each during the year.
- Designed For: U.S. residents who travel frequently for business or pleasure.
Study USA-HealthCare®
Low Rate Health Insurance for International Students & Study Abroad
- Featuring: Rates starting at $2.17 per day. Meets Department of State requirements, and many university international student and study-abroad program requirements.
- Enrollment Length: 30-day minimum for as long as you are enrolled in school or hold an F-1 Visa.
- Designed For: Students under age 65 studying outside their home country. Coverage available for spouses and children.
Travel Insurance Select®
Flexible Trip Cancellation & Medical Expense Coverage — Select Your Plan
- Featuring: Covers your travel investment, medical/evacuation expense and baggage. Excellent limits. Cancel for any reason.
- Trip Length: Single trips up to one year.
- Designed For: U.S. and Canadian residents traveling anywhere.
Looking for More Help?
Travel Insurance Services is here to help you find the right travel insurance coverage for your unique needs and budget. In fact, we’ve been helping people just like you for over 40 years.
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Email: info@travelinsure.com
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